Get ready for Foursomes 2024
Round 1 of the Mens Foursomes Championships start Saturday, 15th June 2024, so it's time to get your teams organised.
This Monday 3rd June is Tee Lotto and as an addition to the usual process of selecting your tee times, there will also be a separate sheet to take names just for the champs, so when you come up to the desk to record your tee-time for the month, make sure you also see Adam Brennen to record your foursomes tee-time for the 15th and the 22nd of June.
This year for the champs, there will be 3 teams per time-slot. For those intending to compete in the Foursomes Championships, there's a requirement to make your full payment of $40 per player (for both rounds) prior to your team starting the first round.
Division 1 is 0 to 17 combined handicap.
Division 2 is 17.5 to 36 combined handicap.
Good luck to all.